All Rooms
We start from ceiling to floor. Cobweb corner to corner, clean ceiling fan, sweep, dust picture frames, lamps, standing fans, furniture, woodwork, shelves and baseboard.
- Floors, Carpets and Rugs - Swept, mopped or vacuumed, buffed accordingly
- Curtains, Sofas, Cushions - Steam dusted and deodorized
- Waste Baskets - Emptied and cleaned
- Appliances - Cleaned
- Counters, Cabinets, Tables and Chairs - Scrubbed and sanitized
- Sinks, Counter-Tops and Back Splash - Scrubbed and sanitized
- Refrigerator (tops and exterior) - Cleaned
- Microwave (inside and out) - Cleaned
- Floor - Wet mopped, sanitized and buffed
Bathrooms/Powder Rooms
- Shower, Bathtub and Basin - All washed and sanitized
- Toilet - Washed and sanitized
- Fixtures - Dusted and polished
- Mirrors - Cleaned and shined
- Wall, Doors/Knobs, Light Switches - All sanitized
- Room - Deodorized
As you can see, we take our cleanliness very seriously and our procedures are second to none in all areas. Why not get in contact and give us a try. We are sure you will be pleasantly surprised at what we can do.